Thursday, August 21, 2008

Culinary Aspirations

I had forgotten that I actually enjoy my own cooking.

I have made this discovery by necessity. In a town this small, fast food is an impossibility. Let's face it - "54 Served" just isn't a very impressive statement.

So the menu for the last couple of days has included items such as bran cereal with local fresh fruit, soup and cheese bagel, and glazed pork chops with pasta, corn on the cob, and beans. Most of these meals have been accompanied by a salad.

I have to admit that I wasn't eating regularly before I moved. Money was sporadic and I had become a little paranoid about the capabilities of my refrigerator. I had been meaning to talk to the landlady about it, but eventually I just didn't feel like it would have been worth it. So rather than worry about food spoilage, I ate out when I ate at all.

Luckily, I budgeted for food in the move, and so far I have been eating very well. I am quite proud of myself.

And now for something completely different...


The little old lady, decked out in helmet and goggles, roaring around the forest around the school with a Jack Russell Terrier riding on the back of her ATV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if her name is Mary, it'll probably be my mom or her separated-at-birth-twin-sister